About us

General information about our company and activities

General information

MONTE GIRO LLC is a company 100% owned by the Town of Pula, established by the Statement of incorporation for the business entity dated December 23, 1995. There are 33 employees currently working at the company. Monte Giro LLC carries out its activities on the territory of the town of Pula, the town of Vodnjan, Medulin Municipality, Liznjan Municipality, Fazana Municipality and other municipalities in vincinity of Pula.


Company name: Monte Giro LLC

Address of the Headquarters: Eugena Kumičića 22, HR-52100 Pula
Company Registration number: 03220800
Identification number: 68652112489
Tel: +385 52 541111
Fax: +385 52 542768
E-mail: info@montegiro.hr


Corporate transfer account numbers:
ZAGREBAČKA BANKA: HR2323600001102133647
OTP BANKA: HR0324070001118001144

The number of foreign currency account:
IBAN: HR2323600001102133647


Share capital: 156.810,00 €